
How to Write Book Preface

“Book Preface”

After you’ve finished writing the main content of your book, now its time to write your Book’s Preface.A preface is a brief narrative in which the author explains why he/she chose to write the book or a particular story.

A preface is a section of a book’s front pages where the author can provide the reader with some background information. It’s usually at this point that the 5 W’s applies. Who you are, What the book is about, When you wrote it, Where you wrote it, and Why you wrote it. The who and why are typically the most significant.

Purpose of a Preface in a Book

Prefacing a story allows an author to engage readers directly and provide them with more content beyond the main text, although it is not a part of the story itself. An author’s preface should contain the following information in one or two pages:

  • Specify why the author thought about this subject to write.
  • Explain why they decided to write the book and what inspired them to do so.
  • Describe how you went about researching the book’s theme.
  • Outline the book’s writing process, including any obstacles and how long it took.
  • Introduce a new edition of the book and explain what’s new.
  • Provide details about events after a recent edition of the book was published.

Is a Preface Necessary for Your Book?

A preface isn’t required for every book. They’re most common in nonfiction and academic writing, but it is found in fiction too.

So, how do you know if you need a preface for your book?

A preface serves to prepare the reader for what is to come. For example, in the case of historical novels, the author may provide historical data in the preface to clarify the fictitious work’s context. Meanwhile, in a scholarly book, the author may discuss the context of their research.

However, if you decide to write a preface for your book, make sure you get it correctly!

Learn How to Write a Preface in 3 Easy Steps

You might need to provide some background for the reader or provide facts to help them grasp the story’s significance when you’re writing your book. A preface is required if your book needs an explanatory section to support your story and explain why you wrote it. Here are four steps on how to write an excellent preface:

1. Shorter Is Better.

The majority of readers prefer to go immediately into the body of a book. Keep your preface to a minimum. The best length for getting your points across is one to two pages. Proofreading aids in the elimination of redundant ideas and information.

2. Make an impression.

When it comes to a preface, readability is essential. Make it fascinating, or your audience will ignore it. If you’re creating a nonfiction book, provide fascinating facts to capture the reader’s attention.

3. Share Your Passion with Readers to Motivate Them.

It’s a passion project to write your book. Tell the reader what sparked your interest in the book’s subject and why you wanted to write about it as the author. Your enthusiasm may rub off on others. Your purpose for writing can inspire readers, who will be eager to read what you’ve learnt.


You can simply skip the preface if you’re creating a fiction novel. You should consider making a preface if you’re writing a nonfiction book. Examine your book-writing experience to see whether there’s anything unique about it. If that’s the case, incorporate those interesting details in a preface. Keep it short, make it interesting, and let the readers know about your passion.

About the Author

Manika Singh is #1 Amazon Bestselling author and co-author of 4 books (Decoding Fitness, Decoding Intermittent Fasting, Chakra Entrepreneur and 7 Technology Tools for Growth Hacking). She has a Masters Degree in Business Management and have worked with multinational companies like Kingfisher Airlines, Mafoi management Services, iResearch International Services in the Human Resource department. Currently she is  CEO of Wings Publication and Founder of Indian Authors Association Being a visionary she has created a platform for all the Authors where necessary training can be provided to Write, Publish and Market their books

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